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US Import Data by Product

US Import bill of lading data by product provides clear understanding of all products imported and recorded at every sea ports of united states. The data fields includes Product description as mentioned in bill of lading as filled with customs border patrol, US importers name and address, US Buyers name and address and other valuable statistical information like date of import, Total quantity, Weight, Unit, Vessel name, Bill of Lading Number. The information Not available in us import statistics are price of Import and Total Value of the goods imported. HTS code are matched with the us importers database.

Understand the Global supply chain with us imports data

US Imports Data is the facts and statistics collected together for reference or detailed analysis of Import business done in the united states of america by all us importers. Online US Import data search is available since the year 2014. USA import data is stored in various database formats like Excel, Access, Sql, My sql. and can be used with various software to analyze all us import records.

We at cover all us import records and update the same at regular intervals. US import data can be analyzed to prepare reports as per the requirement of exporters to provide them cutting edge in the trade.


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