Details of Product WASHER Import Data under HTS Code 7318 from Xiamen from Taiwan in Los Angeles Ca

US Imports Data Shipments searched product WASHER under HTS Code 7318 from Xiamen from Taiwan in Los Angeles Ca

US Import Data Shipment


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1 Months

0 Exporters / Shippers

0 Importers / Consignee

0 Buyers / Notify Party

1 HTS Codes

1 Port of Loading

1 Port of Discharge

1 Countries

1 units

  • KG 1

WASHER is Exported to US under HTS Code 7318 by N/A to N/A through the port of 57069, XIAMEN

Item/Product Description :

202 CTNS IN 5 PLTS WASHER,SCREW,PIN INVOI CE NO:GF211013-SHAMROCK HTS CODE:7318.22.0000 7318.14.1030 7318.29.0000

Exporter - Shipper :



Importer - Consignee :



Buyer - Notify Party :


Marks and Numbers :

FA202106024 PO#40610 C/NO:1-28 DEST:ITASCA , IL MADE IN TAIWAN R.O.C. -DO- FA2021020 33 PO#62041 C/NO.1-4 -DO- FA202011193 PO #90248 C/NO.1-170

Date 01-Dec-2021
Bill of Lading THGLTWN21101033
Weight 2,782.00
Units KG
Quantity 202
Quantity Unit CTN
Country TW, TAIWAN
Port of Loading 57069, XIAMEN
Port of Discharge 2704, LOS ANGELES, CA
Voyage No. 142N
Vessel Name MSC ARIANE
Carrier Code THGL
HS / HTS Code 731822
Contact N/A Contact N/A

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